Technology 101

Please view or download the Technology 101 Document CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD/VIEW THE TECHNOLOGY 101 DOCUMENT


Student Leadership Elections 2018

Welcome to the Student Leadership Elections for our Student Election Team 2018/2019. There are a limited number of votes per hour. If you are receive an error message when attempting to vote, please try again in an hour. Polls close midnight on Saturday, November 3, 2018. Happy voting! Block A1/A2 Class Leaders Click here to… Continue reading


School Mate Claim Form

Hello Parents, Please click below to download the School Mate Claim form. Click Here To Download


Extracurricular Club

Hello Parents, please download our Extracurricular Clubs. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 


HPS Menu Cycle 2016

Hello Parents, please download the HPS Menu Cycle 2016 below.   CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 
